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Interview wish Short Fuse


Short Fuse, big name of the hardcore scene in Italy, return to Portugal for another promising concert! The last time they were here, their performance was the last concert that happened in Portugal before the establishments closed doors due to the Covid-19 pandemic that devastated the world in 2020.

To celebrate this return, the band brings a new album – “Embrace Yourself” – and a change in the line-up.

MI: You played in Portugal for the last time in March 2020, a year that stood in History for the worst reasons and culture was forced to be on standby for a long time. How did you spend your time as a band during that period? Was the band also on standby or you kept working even if it was from distance?

SF: That gig in Lisbon has been our last show with Gianluca on drums, so during the pandemic Gianni Joined the band and we began to write together the new album in our tiny rehearsal room. We couldn't play live so we all focused on the writing process. It has been tough but maybe it was worth it!

MI: Your performance at Popular Alvalade got an amazing feedback and people kept talking about how good you were and how much they’ve enjoyed the show. What did you think of that show?

SF: Wow, that's amazing! We had a real blast my friend. One of our greatest shows so far. Personally, it's still in my top 3 Short Fuse gigs.

MI: This show scheduled for November is part of your European Tour to promote the new album “Embrace Yourself”. How are the fans reacting to the album and the tour itself?

SF: The album feedback is great! The kids out there are enjoying it, and we also got to thank Mike from New Age Records for giving us such a great opportunity and more visibility. We have played a lot in Italy to promote the record and we also recently toured Germany, France, and Belgium with our great friends in Caged. It has been a lifetime experience and we received positive feedback almost everywhere. We got to be grateful.

MI: In addition to Portugal, the tour has already passed through other countries. Where can we see you next?

SF: We're going to play some more shows in Italy and we're currently trying with Tom from Stay True Agency to book a Short UK run in December 2023. In 2024 we really hope to play again Europe and maybe hit the States for the first time. Fingers crossed!

MI: What do you expect from this next show in Portugal and what can the fans expect as well?

SF: We really hope to see again some old friends and make new ones! About the fans, they can surely expect a great hardcore show – at least we hope so ahah

MI: Although the show hasn't happened yet, when can we expect a new return of Short Fuse to Portugal?

SF: Whenever you want! We always love to be back in Portugal, and you also have some great bands out there!

MI: Feel free to use this space to tell us a little more about the band and its members, and your main goals for the future.

SF: We're all passionate about hardcore and music in general, but this kind of noise we use to call hardcore really resonate to us because – although it may sound a silly slogan – it's more than music for us. So, about the future, we just want to keep expressing ourselves through this music and to play live as much as we can, meeting new people and visiting new cities and countries. Thank you so much for your having us!

Questions by Ricardo Moita

Photo by  Andrea Disorder