The lords of black metal Imperium Dekadenz have once again raised darkness from the depths of the Black Forest in Germany. Their new album "Into Sorrow Evermore" was released on January 20, 2023 via Napalm Records and has been praised by fans and media worldwide. True to the beginnings of the genre, the band stick to their roots and leave their own haunting mark in dark, atmospheric compositions, claiming their rightful place in the upper echelons of black metal.
Metal Imperium had the pleasure of asking them a few questions and found out some interesting details. Keep on reading...
M.I. - First off, thank you so much for answering our questions. The main headline for Imperium Dekadenz is your friendship. How important is friendship for you?
It is an important factor when talking about being creative, because art comes from the heart and it can easily hurt if wrong words come into the critics. You also have to be able to rely on the other person and the best trust comes from friendship.
M.I. - Will it be the end of Imperium Dekadenz if this friendship ends?
M.I. - You choose the name “Imperium” for the greatness of Rome and “Dekadenz” for the orgies, Saturnalia. There used to be a lot of historical themes in your lyrics but things shifted when you opted to started writing about metaphysical questions that have haunted humanity for a long time. Do you still stand behind all things related to the band that you chose along the way? Can you imagine how different would Imperium Dekadenz be if you got formed in 2023?
The first songs we wrote were more about the band name. We had no real plans at that time where the journey with this band should go. It was all just for the joy of making Black Metal together. No idea how it would be today. There are too many factors and everything is always changing. One thing is for sure though, it's much harder to make a name for yourself with music alone these days. Today, people put more emphasis on costumes, social media, etc.
M.I. - Imperium Dekadenz is deeply rooted in the melancholic sounds that have shaped the underground. And, as with your previous albums, the new “Into Sorrow Evermore” pushes the boundaries. How much effort does it take from you to always do better than before?
It is an insane amount of work that someone who has never experienced something like this cannot begin to comprehend. I'm certainly not just speaking for our band, but I can say that we place an extremely high value on perfectionism and the elaboration of the smallest details. And that doesn't just apply to the music, but to everything that makes up the band.
M.I. - “Into Sorrow Evermore” has entered music charts worldwide, so people seem to be enjoying it. What were your expectations? Did you expect it to do this well?
Yes, of course, everyone wants to see their child thrive and it feels good when the band name is carried on and on. But that's just a hope, what we really want is an album that pushes the emotions further to the top and excites ourselves from A to Z. So if we can achieve just that, maybe the hope can bear fruit.
M.I. - According to the band: “Many people got depressed when it came to the pandemic situation, but in our case we had so much inspiration going on” and so the new album was born. What questions do you dwelve around in “Into Sorrow Evermore”?
The album is not meant to answer any questions. I think that's what Black Metal is all about. Engaging with yourself, reflecting on your environment and discovering new truths. That's exactly what 'Into Sorrow Evermore' is about. Turning the darkness and the threatening into a place of longing, in order to continue growing and asking new questions.
M.I. - How long did it take from initial ideas to actually having the new album finished?
We found a good rhythm of 3 years. 1,5 – 2 years for songwriting and 1-1,5 years for the final production.
M.I. - Vannier once mentioned that for this album “The approach was to put all the things that Imperium Dekadenz stands for to the next, more extreme step. The faster songs are faster, more aggressive this time. The slower, melancholic, let’s say doom stuff, is slower, more melancholic than before.” Was the writing and recording process for this album a typical one for the band or was it different somehow?
Because of the pandemic, we had much more time available and therefore a larger pool of song ideas. We stuck to the usual production processes again this time, but at the beginning of 2022 some obstacles were thrown in our way, because suddenly all weekends were blocked by catch-up dates from the time of the Corona restrictions. The loss of weekends is a big problem when you work full time and the production is supposed to run on the weekends.

We collect first song ideas and look in which direction it could go. Then we work towards a concept, adapt the song selection and further song ideas to it. In the end, each Imperium Dekadenz album should feel like a journey through different worlds without losing the common thread.
M.I. - The cover is very important for you as it is the face of the whole work and transports the feeling and meaning of the songs. Who created the artwork for this album? What was the inspiration for it?
We had the idea to have Simon Stiegeler make a mask. In many evening sessions, we then agreed on a concept with a second mask. Together with the photo studio Void Revelations, we tried out several ideas until we came up with the final image. The graphic work for the artwork was then done by Alejandro Tedin (Heresie Studio).
M.I. - What is your goal now? What do you still want to achieve as musicians?
The same as in almost the last twenty years. Finding fulfilment in songwriting, friendship, gaining new experiences and taking the Imperium Dekadenz project one step further again.
M.I. - With the success of this album and the previous ones, have you been getting more offers to do tours and gigs? Any plans you can share? Any offer to come and play in Portugal?
Since last week we have a new booking agency (Redback Promotion) and with it great hope to finally perform with this album in countries where we have not yet been able to play. Portugal and Spain are very high on our wish list!
M.I. - How will you recreate the atmosphere and emotional depth you have created on the record in the live environment? What are your favourite songs to play live?
We are currently working on a new setlist. One focus will of course be on the new album. With 7 albums, it's really hard to please everyone. We try to find a good combination of dark, melancholic atmosphere and charged energy. Since we generally don't play many gigs, people can be sure that we look forward to every single show and we hope that this is also noticeable.
M.I. - Being a Black Metal band, how do you view Black Metal these days? Some say it is too commercial, others say it has lost its essence, yet there are lots of new Black Metal bands thriving. What’s your opinion on this subject?
We look forward to every great album and have no prejudices. The times of earning enough money with Black Metal for a life only with art are over. We still love low-fi underground productions, but we also pick up established bands with big production etc. again. It has to release emotions, nothing more.
M.I. - Could you please share a final message with Metal Imperium’s readers and the band’s fans? All the best for you as individuals and as Imperium Dekadenz!
Thank you very much for the support. As mentioned before, we really hope to get a chance to play shows in Portugal.
Listen to Imperium Dekadenz, on Spotify
For Portuguese version, click here
Questions by Sónia Fonseca