In ten songs, this unique concept album describes the extraordinary stories of very ordinary people who all have one thing in common: they all died at the age of 27.
Only the song “The End” (released in March 2022) is dedicated to Jim Morrison, one of the many famous rock stars who also died at 27. With “27”, BRUNHILDE have succeeded in creating an awesome concept album! Taking in consideration the awesome songs and charisma of this German band, Metal Imperium decided to interview them to find out more about this great masterpiece “27”!
M.I. - The name was inspired by a character’s name from Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”. What was so special about that character?
We chose the name Brunhilde because it was used in the film "Django Unchained“ and because it sounds good in English too!
M.I. - How did you come together as a band?
The band was founded by Carolin and Kurt. Then Bastian Emig came on the drums and Randy van der Elsen on the bass.
M.I. - 2020 marks a change in Brunhilde’s musical style. What inspired it? Were you not happy with the way you were heading?
Our producer, Charlie Bauerfeind, noticed Brunhilde in the studio and offered to produce the band. Of course this was the starting point of BRUNHILDE 2.0. We were very happy to be able to work here with such a well-known producer.
M.I. - The band started as a cover band that did performances at weddings, etc... how did you evolve from that to the Brunhilde we know today? What made you take it further?
Always playing cover songs is boring! Caro and Kurt always wanted to play their own music, then they wrote their own songs and founded the band. Larger support shows have also been played here! (ZZ Top, Sweet, Nazareth,...).
M.I. - How would you describe Brunhilde’s sound and vibe to those unfamiliar with it?
Brunhilde‘s sound is very special and can be immediately recognized as that! Brunhilde's sound is: deep, fat guitar riffs together with dominant drums and bass and above all with Caro's fabulous voice. Especially here Charlie Bauerfeind has contributed a lot so that the sound is "international"!
M.I. - The band has 2 videos that were produced with the support of Initiative Musik. Tell us more about this initiative and how did you get access to it?
It was a great honour for us to be selected by the Initiative Musik in Berlin to receive support here. Many bands and artists try to get into the selection here! With the help of Initative Musik we were finally able to produce and publish 2 videos (Friendly Fire, House of the Rising Sun) in 2021 despite Corona.

Yes, unfortunately we were forced to cancel a lot of gigs. Even as a band in its early stages, it wasn't exactly positive not being able to play live in front of an audience here. But we used the time to work hard in the studio.
M.I. - The pandemic has helped your creative vibe?
Yes and no! It was also very depressing not being allowed to be on the road as a musician. But I think our last two productions compensate our fans!
M.I. -“27” is a concept album which was released on the 27th May. Tell us more about it! Why have you decided to write a concept album about this “tragic” number?
I was searching for a good topic. First I thought about the "club 27" and I started my search on google... After a while, I was so bored because so many people talked and sang about these persons from the famous "club 27"... So I met Charlie in our studio and we brainstormed again about the concept.... We thought about it and decided to look for non-famous people who also died at the age of 27 and who have interesting life-stories, so we thought it would be great to give them the same attention and voice as if they were part of the famous club 27. Every story in our songs was inspired by their true life-stories!
M.I. - How many hours of research have you invested in order to come up with the lyrics for this album?
We worked for half a year, day after day without a break. It's super time-consuming to research here and, above all, to write the right music for it.
M.I. - Was it complicated finding out impressive personal stories online and turning them into lyrics? What have you learned with all these stories you explored? Did you get in touch with the relatives of the people who inspired the lyrics or not?
Yes, the extremely brutal facts inspired us a lot. No, we don't want to name any names here and, above all, we don't want to create any advantages with the suffering of the victims! At this point I would like to note that no reference to the persons should be recognizable or made.
M.I. - Of all the personal stories selected to be featured in the album, which one has a special place in your heart and why?
There is only one song on the record, about a member of the famous rock 27 club, that affords mention: Jim Morrison. In regard to the song „Girl with 1000 scars“, this is my favorite story!! A very sad one…. The girl was raped all her life! By her babysitter, the churchman and later on even by her punters. At some point in her life, she was homeless, a stripper and even in a relationship with a pedophile. She was diagnosed borderline and had thousand of scars on her arms and all over her body. She also had a tattoo on her arm: "Don't be afraid to ask for help" was her message. Finally, one day she killed herself... In the last phase of her life, she wrote her memoirs called „the girl the 1000 scars“. After her death, the book was handed over to the feds. In her book she wrote the truth about the guys and their lives... She named every guy who had abused her all her life. That was also the first song we recorded in the studio. I love this song!
M.I. - The cover features an almost naked Caro, with 27 marked in her back, almost being grabbed by “darkness” as if being lured into it. How did you come up with this idea?
This scene itself happened spontaneously with thoughts of such brutal deeds that were sometimes done to such defenseless people. Our bass player, Randy, then painted the number "27" on Caros' back with finger paint.
M.I. - The band is still touring in order to promote “To cut a very long story short”... how long will you keep on promoting it after the release of “27”?
We've been touring the UK now from late April to mid-May (supporting Dark Tranquillity). Here the songs from "to cut a long story short" were played. Then we had 2 shows in Germany (Cologne and Hamburg) and 2 shows in Sweden (Gothenburg), each with the new songs from "27".
M.I. - How will the setlist for this summer be? Focused on last year’s material or on “27”?
Mixture of “To cut a long Story Short” and “27” and also a few old songs from the very first Album!
M.I. - The band’s excited about meeting fans on the road... have you got an interesting story about meeting someone? What do fans usually tell you?
Our fans or people who hear and see us for the first time are usually very surprised (thank God)! That makes us very happy!
M.I. - The band has toured with heavier bands such as Dark Tranquillity, Ensiferum... do you think you fit in with every rock and heavy bill? Does the audience react well to your sound?
Surprisingly, we were able to convince the audience at the shows with Dark Tranqullity, even though our music isn't that "dark". I think it's because of our charisma and appearance on stage. Especially in London and Gothenburg the audience was more mixed.
M.I. - Name a few bands you’d be thrilled to tour with and tell us why.
Limp Bizkit, Guano Apes,...
M.I. - Do you still think the rock n’ roll spirit is still alive?
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Listen Brunhilde on Spotify
Interview by Sónia Fonseca