Depois de termos anunciado o desmembramento dos Every Time I Die, o recente ex-guitarrista Jordan Buckley usou as suas redes sociais para de certa forma "descansar" os fãs e os restantes membros da banda de metalcore - que já deram a entender que pretendem continuar com um novo projeto - em relação ao futuro próximo dos músicos, onde se destacou "espero nunca parar de me juntar com os outros três para compor temas brutais", entre outros 'tweets':
Why you gotta lie tho
— J'aime Fox (@Bry_Way) January 18, 2022
Please keep going with at least the four of you
— Chris Cronin (@cccmmmccc82) January 18, 2022
yeah i might be able to understand this choice of words with time, thanks for answering. i guess we'll see how it turns out in the end, cause something tells me that this story is far from over.. please take no offence, i hate picking sides, just wish you all stayed together 😢
— Polina Sapetto (@PolinaSapetto) January 18, 2022
I hope ETID can continue is some form or another. That amount of collective musical talent cannot fall by the wayside, together or separately. ETID would be a different beast without Keith, but it would still be a beast, I'm sure.
— AC Speed (@TheRealACSpeed) January 18, 2022
I understand. I'm just sad man, it shouldn't have ended like this. You're far too good of a band for this shit. I guess I just hope you can all somehow reconcile, and salvage your relationships as friends. Life's too short to dwell
— Tyler Yeo (@tylerryeo) January 18, 2022
Por: Bruno Porta Nova - 22 janeiro 22