From the state of Indiana (United States) and although, as a group only exist
for 2 years, each member is a veteran within the industry. Veterans who
pressure each other in the pursuit of the best individual and collective
performance possible. After their homonymous album of 2018, this year they
release “Valhalla”, a successor to match their debut.
Founder and guitarist Jeff Cole answered our questions. Enjoy!
M.I. – Hey! How are you? Thanks for time answering our questions.
I’m doing well. It’s my pleasure.
M.I. – You`re a very young band, just 2 years old… How do you describe your
group to those who don't know you?
I would say we’re a classic metal band with a hint of stoner and heavy rock.
Our lyrics are usually fantasy based focusing around telling a story.
M.I. – Your sound is a reminiscent of the golden era of early-80’s heavy
metal... Was this the best decade for metal?
I think so. Of course that’s just my opinion. I would say the rest of the band
would probably agree as well.
M.I. – Who are your biggest influences?
For me personally, I would have to say Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Dio, Randy
Rhoads era Ozzy, Rainbow, Thin Lizzy, and probably C.O.C. for good measure.
M.I. – Looking at the great metal names of the 80´s, which band’s career would
you like to emulate, so to speak?
That’s a tough one. Probably Iron Maiden because I think they are just as
relevant as they were 30 years ago.
M.I. – How does metal look today? Who are the best metal bands these days?
I think it looks great! So many great bands that are keeping the music alive.
Best metal bands? That’s really subjective. I’d say the ones that speak to you
the most.
M.I. – Speaking now of your last album “Valhalla”... The reviews have been
positive. Did it end up as you were expecting or, listening to it now, you
would do something different?
I think so. We wanted to keep some of the things that worked on the first
album while trying to explore some new territory.
MI - Lyrically, what is it about?
Every song has its own story. All the lyrics are based on history, myth and
M.I. – Do you had a method for writing the album or things just came
We always start with writing riffs first, then structuring and lyrics are
written after the music is finished. Interesting to note, we actually wrote
this album in the studio. We would jam ideas and then demo them. We demoed all
the songs first and once we got everything the way we wanted, we started
M.I. – Your first album was a success... How was it trying to create a
successor to match?
We really set out to make Valhalla better than our debut. We wanted the
songwriting, performance and production to all be better. We spent a lot of
hours in the studio pushing each other for our best performances.
M.I. – What’s the main differences between the 2 albums?
I’d say the new album is more focused musically and the overall production is
M.I. – You focus on a grunge / doom metal niche... but in a more melodic way.
Is it a way to reach a wider audience?
It’s just the way we write. Chris, our singer, has a fantastic ear for catchy
choruses and melody.
M.I. – What were the biggest difficulties in creating the band and launching
your albums?
I would say scheduling. Getting four guys together in a room for a lengthy
amount of time is usually the biggest obstacle for any band.
M.I. – The Covid19 pandemic came at the worst time (not that there is a good
time!...)... But what is it like to have a new album and not be able to go on
the road promoting it?
It’s difficult for sure but we have a good team in Ripple and Cursed Tongue
Records to help market the album. But we can’t wait to get back on the road!
M.I. – The US is currently the country with the most infected in the world.
The States have closed and only now, little by little, are opening. How do you
see the situation in the country? How is the music industry coping with all
limitations and restrictions?
Promoting on the internet has become the focus for many bands. There’s a lot
of livestream performances happening, which is great! Shows will start
happening as the sanctions get lifted. A lot of the states are reopening as we
speak. You’ll see more bands touring by the end of the year into next year.
M.I. – And you? How do you occupy your life now? What changes has Covid-19
brought to your day-to-day?
Outside of not being able to play shows, my life hasn’t changed that much. I’m
kind of a hermit anyway!
M.I. – Okay, again, thanks for your time. Any last words for our readers in
Portugal? Thanks and hope seeing you in Europe one day!
My pleasure. Yes, I would like to thank all our fans in Portugal for all the
love and support! We truly appreciate it! Stay Heavy!
For Portuguese version, click here
Questions by Ivan Santos