The awesome Gotthard are celebrating their 25th anniversary this very year and have already released a new album, so we had a little chat about this new adventure with Nic Maeder.
M.I. - First of all, thank you so much for the opportunity; people are very curious about your new album and I have some questions for you, precisely about “Silver”. So, first and foremost, why didn't you guys go for a "Best Of" in order to celebrate Gotthard's 25th anniversary but, instead, decided to release a brand new album? That must have been very challenging!
No problem, thank you ! Actually, we didn't even think about making a "Best Of". It was a challenge to make another album after the previous "Bang" album, but I guess we do like a challenge! Usually, we make an album every two years and we skipped a year for this one, so we were eager to make another studio album and had the right energy for it.
M.I. - By the way, why the title “Silver”? What's the story? Is it some sort of a metaphor for, I don't know, "25 years rocking"?
The idea came from our bassist Marc, he suggested "Silver Wedding" for the 25th anniversary and we cut it down to “Silver”. We thought it was a good approach.
M.I. - In short, how would you describe the creative process of this album, the writing and all? And, of course, what can you tell us about the recording sessions at the "Yellow House Studios"?
Leo, Freddy and I got together and just wrote as many songs as we could in the 8 to 10 month period we had planned. We didn't really have a specific direction, we just let the creative process happen without too many rules. Gotthard is a great band to write for, because a lot of different styles work well, it's great for a songwriter. In regards to the “Yellow House Studios”, it’s really “the same process as always”, in a way... So many Gotthard albums have been recorded there, it's kind of a normal thing.
M.I. - So, Nic, being this your third album with Gotthard, what do you consider to be the biggest highlights of “Silver”; what distinguishes this album, at least from the previous two albums? Which were the main influences?
I think we let ourselves go even more, than in the previous albums, in "Silver" and we even experimented a bit more than usual... As far as highlights, it's hard for me to say... the album, as a whole, feels great to me!
M.I. - Why was "Stay With Me" the first single released from “Silver”? Do you feel like, considering this album in particular, "Stay With Me" was the song that best represented who Gotthard are or was your purpose precisely the opposite, to emphasize “a new sonority/a new approach"? Basically, why "Stay With Me" and not any other track; why this choice?
I don't think that this album really has a particular song that represents it, there is so much variety... We chose "Stay With Me" because we voted and that's the song that came up. We thought it was not going to be such a radio song, but more of a representation of where the band is at that moment.
M.I. - “Silver”'s tour has been going on for a few months now. How has it been, so far? What can you tell us about it?
It has been a lot of fun, the fans have been fantastic! It's always fun to test the new songs with the audience... We've had a lot of sold out shows and the ambience between the band and the fans is awesome. Now we're starting the festival season... So the fun continues!
M.I. - Still regarding the tour matter – not necessarily this ongoing tour, but any of Gotthard’s tours –, tell me: until now, what was the most remarkable moment on the road (whether it was remarkable because it was hilarious, or emotional, or even because it was kind of scary)?
There have been so many incredible experiences for me, it's hard to pick one! The best part, in general, is to be able to travel all over the world and meet so many of our fans who are actually there, keeping the band alive!

In the beginning, I felt a lot of pressure, especially because I didn't want to let the team and the fans down, but so many fans were so supportive and encouraging, I was lucky... I could not have done it without them! I think one of the biggest challenges is to always be "on" even when you're having a bad day...
M.I. - Gotthard have been rocking the world for 25 years now. What is the "secret ingredient" to keep making music year after year after year and, especially, making everything single album different from the previous one?
Secret ingredient? Not sure, but if you can stay together for such a long time and treat each other like family and with respect, then I think you're halfway there!
M.I. - Finally, I have to ask: can the Portuguese fans expect a "visit" from you guys any time soon?
That would be great, I've never been to Portugal, but I have many Portuguese friends who tell me I should go!
Questions by Evie