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Star One - Novo trailer online

Neste link pode ser visto mais um novo trailer alusivo a "Victims Of The Modern Age", o novo registo de Star One de Arjen Lucassen.
Este novo álbum irá ser lançado em Portugal no dia 1 de Novembro próximo através da InsideOut Music.

Lista de convidados em "Victims Of The Modern Age"

* Russell Allen (Symphony X) - vocalista
* Damian Wilson (Headspace, Threshold) - vocalista
* Floor Jansen (Revamp, After Forever) - vocalista
* Dan Swanö (Nightingale, Second Sky, Edge Of Sanity)
* Tony Martin (Black Sabbath)
* Ed Warby (Ayeron, Hail Of Bullets, Gorefest) - bateria
* Peter Vink - baixo
* Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever) - solos teclado
* Gary Wehrkamp (Shadow Gallery) - solos guitarra

"Victims of the Modern Age" edição limitada mediabook:


01. Down The Rabbit Hole
02. Digital Rain
03. Earth That Was
04. Victim Of The Modern Age
05. Human See, Human Do
06. 24 Hours
07. Cassandra Complex
08. It's Alive, She's Alive, We're Alive
09. It All Ends Here

CD I (Enhanced Multi-media CD):


01. As The Crow Dies
02. Two Plus Two Equals Five
03. Lastday
04. Closer To The Stars
05. Knife Edge (ELP cover)


01. The Making Of "Victims Of The Modern Age"