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Amberian Dawn - Detalhes do novo album revelados

A banda de Neoclassical Power Metal, Amberian Dawn, anunciou o titulo e a capa do sucessor de "River of Tuoni" de 2008.
O álbum chamar-se-á "The Clouds of Northland Thunder", tendo a sua saída prevista para o final da primavera pela editora Ascendance Records.

"The Clouds of Northland Thunder" Tracklist:

01. He Sleeps in a Grove
02. Incubus
03. Kokko - Eagle of Fire
04. Willow of Tears
05. Shallow Waters
06. Lost Soul
07. Sons of Seven Stars
08. Saga
09. Snowmaiden
10. Lionheart
11. Morning Star
12. Birth of the Harp